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To browse Academia. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Nico Verscuren. VirtualDJ is revolutionary software which allows audio and video mixing right from a computer. We designed VirtualDJ to be simple and intuitive to use but do not be fooled — there are many advanced features to explore and customize.
We have provided an exhaustive set of features for you to take advantage of and create great mixes. Whether you are a beginner or a professional DJ, you will find working inside VirtualDJ to be fun, intuitive and highly efficient. We highly recommend reading this manual in its entirety once you begin using VirtualDJ — it will help you learn and understand all of its many features so you can get the most out of your VirtualDJ.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy this great product! Choosing the music programming 2. Mixing the music 3. Modifying the music remixing The first task consists of choosing the appropriate music, which obviously depends on the type of evening and your style.
VirtualDJ allows instant access to all your titles, playlists, and a list of suggestions. The software cannot replace your talent. DJs are accustomed to connecting their tracks in a fluid way by keeping a constant flow of music in order to give the impression that the music is seamless. Traditionally, the DJ mixes a track in two phases: Initially, a DJ will modify the speed of the track he wants to mix in, in order to equal the speed of the current track.
This stage is necessary to prevent the songs from clashing and give synchronized beats. The speed of the music is measured in BPM Beats per Minute — This measures the number of beats over one minute in time. In VirtualDJ, the BPM is calculated automatically as soon as you load a track to either player and the pitch can be adjusted automatically to match that of the song already playing.
Traditionally, the DJ will put their headphones on only one ear and listen to the track that they want to introduce known as cueing. With the other ear, the DJ listens to the mix that the public hears. The DJ will then speed up or slow down the incoming track with their hand and using the pitch control, in order to synchronize the beats. In VirtualDJ, the rhythm window indicates the position of the beats of each song, allowing you to easily see whether the songs are matched and synced.
Then, when the two tracks are beat-matched and synced, the DJ will begin using the crossfader, volume faders and equalizer to bring the new track into the mix.
This is called a transition. This is achieved by moving that same portion of music back and forth at different velocities while using the crossfader to sharply cut the sound in and out of the mix. A loop consists of isolating a passage from a title and playing it repeatedly in a looping fashion.
As the loop ends it will fluidly go back to the beginning and play again, prolonging the duration of the passage. A sample consists of a recorded passage which can be played at key moments in the mix to build up interest or anticipate a track that is being mixed in. There are many creative ways that scratches, samples and loops can be used and VirtualDJ provides some great, easy-to-use tools for you to utilize all these techniques in your mix.
By simplifying and streamlining the technical aspects of DJing, VirtualDJ allows you to focus on the most important part of the DJ experience — your imagination! To check, right-click on the My Document icon and look at the property setting for Target. If upgrading VirtualDJ, the default application path stays the same and the application configuration, plug-in, skins, database files, and support files are copied to appropriate location listed above.
Also, if possible; you should have your COMPLETE gig ready computer setup connected before launching version 5 for the first time, so VirtualDJ can build the entire database based on the database from version 4. Please be patient and look for activity on the hard drive s. VirtualDJ is reading the prior version database and splitting the various entries across the respective hard drives of the system.
What is stored in the database files? This allows for multiple DJs of a club or venue to utilize 1 VirtualDJ installation and not have different logins in order to maintain separate databases unique to each DJ. The DJ can just walk in, plug in the external device and begin playing.
Upon opening the application, an interface menu is displayed. Track title, beats per minute display, counters, Transport Control 3. Track title, beats per minute display, counters, Transport Control 4. The browser contains the compatible file types i. The Browser zone is divided into 4 key panels. Automix Playlist 4. Also provided is the ability to create additional navigation aid capabilities. Using this feature requires a Napster login.
By selecting on the various listed genres the file browser panel 2 only shows those entries that match the tag. This action is performed in the File Info dialog the Genre field for the file.
History — provides access to data stored about each session use of VirtualDJ. The data is stored as. History data is saved on the fly in order to provide running history of played tracks for each 24hr timeframe of use. Time is based on a hour clock, so 9PM would be Crates — allows access to the crates structure created and utilized by the Serato ScratchLive application.
This is where an Automix playlist is saved by default. By default the title of the song and artist are listed for each file along with columns for beats per minute BPM and duration Length with additional columns, explained further in the manual page The width size for each column can be modified individually and by clicking on a column the contents are sorted. For example, clicking on the artist column sorts the browser by artist initially in ascending order.
Click again for descending. The tracks title and artist are automatically filled in, if the file is named according to two standard conventions, i. The BPM and length information are calculated automatically when a track is loaded to either deck. All track information is then stored inside the respective drive database files for later recall. And all data is stored and saved at time of discovery or data entry immediately to the database s.
Icon key This title is unknown and was never played or scanned by VirtualDJ. This title is known and has been scanned by VirtualDJ. This title was played during this session. Indicates a video file.
Indicates a karaoke file. Indicates that the BPM difference between the analyzed song and current playing song is too great. This is a track that you might wish to avoid playing next. VirtualDJ has always provided the fasts information access about stored tracks in the database. VirtualDJ stores identified ID3Tag fields as part of its own database and the stored data can be updated at anytime. Because tag data is not direct access any of the information can be changed using the File Info dialog and it will not affect the core ID3Tag info of the file.
The below dialog displays the database stored information along with the ID3Tag information that is retrievable. Under each field with a button will have the read ID3Tag info next to it that can be read from the tag. Click on the button to copy that data into the VirtualDJ data field. This data will be stored and used by the VirtualDJ database. The next to the FileName field is used to parse the file name into the Artist and Title. Another method of retrieving ID3Tag info is through the browser directly with multiple files selected.
Changing the order of the columns is very easy by selecting the Order… option from the bottom of the list. Then in the presented dialog choose the order by highlighting the field and using the up and down arrows. Also add or remove fields from the display by selecting the check box for the field.
Key — stores the key value of a song for use doing Harmonic Mixing. Manual entry using the File Info. VirtualDJ also validates the integrity of all database files at the launch of the application.
If a problem is detected a message box will be displayed identifying which database has the problem and what to do to correct the problem. To correct the problem - here are the steps: 1. Open the configuration dialog 2. Go to the Browser tab 3. Select the Drive from the drop-down 4. The process simply re-labels the FilePath entry for the file if it can not be found. Data about that file is not lost.
This is necessary for cleaning up the Global Search capabilities. Adding files to the global search can be done two 2 ways. This will add all files when browsing the folder structures to the search. In either scenario, once added to the Global Search; the ability to find the file is always available when doing a search.
The difference is in the results display of the search determines if it is in the currently selected folder or elsewhere in the system. To search the files listed in the database, left click on the search field then type your search text. Searching is instant and it is generally not necessary to type the text in its entirety — a few letters are enough to reduce the list to the single title.
The center file browser panel displays the results of the search. The file s listed above the dividing line represent the file s found in the folder that is currently highlighted in the left folder browser panel. All other files below the dividing line are files that exist elsewhere in the database. What can be searched? Searching in VirtualDJ is versatile and variable.
What is meant by that? Depending on what fields are selected the search results will very. To ensure maximum results for all searches, select all the fields and the maximum search capabilities are available all the time. VirtualDJ also provides expanded search features for more creative searching. One way of being more creative is when searching on BPM. If this type of creative search is something necessary on a routine basis then VirtualDJ has a FilterFolder feature that can be used.
Along with several other options that are presented and explained throughout this manual. By default it is Deck 1; however, prior to starting the Automix if Deck 2 is selected as the active deck then Deck 2 is used.
By utilizing 1 deck this frees the opposite deck for staging the first song to be used once you decide to stop the Automix process. In addition to drag and drop, playlists can be created.
Playlists are groups of tracks prearranged in a desired order of play. The window automatically expands to show the working area and current list if populated. You can also lock it and reduce its size to zero if you do not wish for it open automatically. Playlist Setup Tracks to be auto-mixed can be placed into the Playlist panel from the File Browser panel 2 by using a drag and drop method.
Also, predefined playlists can be used and auto loaded. The available values are Disabled, Smart, and Always. Once all tracks have been played, the Automix will start over again with the first track in the list. The currently playing track is always highlighted. With the repeat option on for the entire playlist the navigation will return to the top after the last track is played in the list.
Add, Move or Remove Track Reordering tracks by adding more, moving their order, or removing can be done at any time. To include adding a new track as next, moving a track into the next play, or removing the next track with the following track now becoming the new next track. Also the playlist will pickup from that point forward. It does not return to the left order location. Move the track to the position to use as the entry point, and click on the button "Set Entry", then bring it to the position of exit point, then click "Set Exit".
Repeat for Mix Cut and Mix Tempo if wanting to set those entry points. The Sidelist panel 4 can be used to hold tracks that the DJ knows they will play sometime during their session. It also provides a location for VirtualDJ to moved tracks that were loaded but never played because the DJ loaded a new track to the deck.
The Sidelist can also be use to stage and construct Playlists and VirtualFolders by drag-and-drop of tracks to the panel. Filter folders contain an option for accessing the filter dialog for changing the filter string. Virtual folders have a Rename option. All folders have options for moving the order of the folders up and down in the tree and for removing or deleting the folder. Think of Favorite Folders as Shortcuts to a folder in the operating system.
Click and highlight the desired folder, then click the yellow favorite folder icon. To remove a favorite folder reference, select it and click the icon again. A virtual folder holds a collection of shortcuts to tracks. Create a virtual folder by clicking on the red VirtualFolder icon and giving the new folder a title.
Now browse the database or run various searches looking for tracks that are being grouped together. Drag and drop the tracks into the new VirtualFolder and next time you want to play these tracks refer to the virtual folder. Please note that dragging tracks into a virtual folder will not physically move the files into that folder — it will only create a shortcut to where the files are located.
VirtualDJ calls these types of folder FilterFolders. Give the NEW filter folder a name. This is where it can be complicated or simple. As the filter statement is entered VirtualDJ evaluates that the statement is properly created.
What VirtualDJ will do each time this folder is selected with sort the entire database on the Play Count field in Descending order and then display the first entries or the Top Drag and drop files into each of the decks to load music tracks or video clips. The two decks are equipped with the following controls and displays: 1. Title of track currently loaded 2.
Waveform display for currently - This view shows the visual waveform of the entire track, allows for viewing the remaining duration of the audio, as well as what has already been played. When highlighted in blue or red Using the default skins , that area of the waveform indicates what has been played and the current position of the audio.
The remaining grey area of the waveform shows the length of the audio remaining. Inside the waveform itself, the lighter part indicates the presence of beats whereas the darker part indicates the presence of vocals 3.
Virtual Turntable - Use the mouse to scratch, back cue, and pause. Also note the virtual turntable arm moves relative to the track position giving a visual of how much time is left on the playing track. There are 12 slots which are available to record, load and play samples.
Sample Selection window - When clicked this will play the sample listed in the selection window. REC button - When initiated, this function records the loop to the sample slot selected. If no loop is currently set on this deck, a 4 bar loop will be recorded by default. The audio between the two points will begin to loop continuously. Shift Knob - Adjusts the loop length by half length or double length increments.
Loop Length - This indicates the length of the loop according to beat measures. Effects Effects Selection Dropdown arrow - Select which effect to apply. Effects Selection Dropdown window - When clicked this will apply the effect selected. Transport Cue - Returns and pauses the music at the default Cue Point. Pause - Stops the audio where it is currently playing. Subsequent clicks while stopped cycles through the beginning of the song and all the Cue Points. Right-clicking while stopped automatically goes to the first detected beat in the song.
By moving upward the speed slows down. Double click on it to bring it back instantly. The two Pitch buttons are used to temporarily change the speed of the track playing. This is useful when you want to make a quick adjustment to a track if the beat of the track is not exactly matching up with the beat of the track playing on the other deck. KeyLock When enabled changing the pitch of the song does not change the tone of the track.
Keylock can be enabled at any point along the pitch range to maintain the desired tone at that pitch while still being able to further adjust the pitch. Hot Cue Use the three 3 buttons to set cue points. The first time that a left-click on one of these buttons, a cue point will be set. At any time left-clicking on the corresponding button and the track jumps back to that cue point.
To set a new cue point for the hot cue, right- click the corresponding hot cue button. It can be used just like a regular DJ mixer. The controls on the mixer include: 1. Channel Gain This knob sets the gain level for the corresponding channel deck. Right clicking will bring it to the value that matches the other deck level. Double clicking brings it back to 0 2. Channel Faders These vertical faders allow you to adjust the audio signal of the desired channel.
EQ These knobs allow you to adjust the low, mid, and high frequencies of the audio playing on the desired channel of the mixer. PFL Sends the pre-fader level of the audio to the cue section for headphone monitoring. Crossfader The crossfader blends audio or video between the two decks. By sliding this fader from channel to channel you can isolate the left and right deck or blend them together. Headphone level Volume control for headphone level. Each button respective to it positioned deck.
Windows controls provide the Minimize, Maximize, and Close application options. These curves are represented in a waveform, allowing you to see your music. The peaks in the curve represent beats.
In order to synchronize the music, these peaks should occur at the same time. The present is represented by the feature in the middle of the screen. All on the left was already played, while what is on the right represents the next seconds of the track. You can zoom in or zoom out the display using the slider on the left, or the three preset buttons 1, 2, 3 on the right side of the rhythm window. The large squares represent the beginning of a measure time.
The CBG is particularly useful, for example, when mixing a track at the time of an intro where the beat is not yet present. In the picture above, you can see that the beats are completely synchronized — it is easy to see that the peaks beats of the music are lined up. However, some music does not have the very obvious single beat peaks that most house and techno music has. This is when the CBG is very useful. If you look at the following graphics, it is not exactly clear where the beats should sync up by just observing the waveform visually.
VirtualDJ uses powerful algorithms to calculate the BPM and the CBG of music 1 of 2 algorithms can be chosen - a fast but effective algorithm which works well for techno and house, and a slower algorithm which is effective on any type of music. However, in some rare cases, the CBG is not correctly positioned on the beats of the song.
In this case, you can easily carry out a manual correction. This virtual DJ software is designed to be a very easy and intuitive to use. Within minutes you will be able to load audio files and broadcast live while applying effects. Descriptions containing virtual dj 5 djc edition download.
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